Screen Door Repair
It’s the time of year (well, by the calendar anyway) when screens begin to get a lot of use and ultimately, they will need repairs. Here’s a nice “how-to”from the Family Handyman (5/2012)… Window and Door Screen Replacement
Driveway repairs
I’ve been seeing many driveways of late that need some maintenance so I thought I would post the following information from The Family Handyman magazine: Driveway Makeover
Tankless Water Heaters
Ther’es been a lot of discussion recently about tankless water heater. They’re here, so you might as well start the education process. The ASHI Reporter has published a nice article that you will enjoy. ASHI Reporter (8/2013) ” Tankless Water Heaters”
Got odors?
Everyone has them but what to do about them… This article From The Family Handyman (March 2014 p.20) may help. What’s Your Odor?
Light Bulbs Confusion
I was at a big box store recently and decided to restock some light bulbs. Boy, have things changed. I decided to post a few explanations and differences of all the light bulbs available today. Click the link below… About Light Bulbs
What my clients think…..
Here’s the most recent client feedback survey results…. I’m pretty satisfied with a cumulative rating of 4.96 out of 5.
Energy Efficient Windows
This is the time of year when home owners replace widows and I uploaded an article by Fine Home Building that might help. Its a bit technical but informative. Understanding Energy Efficient Windows
Time to clean the Air Conditioner
The Family Handyman is a terrific resource of how-to’s and home repairs. This month the publication contains an article for cleaning and maintaining the air conditioner… AC Maintenance
Window Sash Repairs
I’ve had a few clients call and ask about completing general window repairs. I found this article from the October 2010 (p.14) issue of the The Family Handyman magazine (invaluable and highly recommended…). Window sashes don’t always work as intended and ultimately the need repairs. Replacing the hardware is often all that is needed. Hope […]
Dimmable LED’s
Something all can use… Dimmable LED’s.